Thursday, December 10, 2009

Final Cuestionnaire

Copy and paste in an email and send it to our email address.
Fecha de realizacion: Viernes 27 de Noviembre del 2009- 10 diciembre del 2009



1. Answer each question by putting a circle around the number that best suits you:

1 (none, not well), 2 (somewhat), 3 ( a lot, very well)


You have learned new vocabulary

1 2 3

You have learned new pronunciation of words

1 2 3

You have learned new grammar points

1 2 3

You have learned new functional structures to use in dialogues or everyday situations.

1 2 3


Your computer has worked well.

1 2 3

You liked working in pairs, both at the computer or when doing activities

1 2 3

You fulfilled all the activities proposed

1 2 3

You are able to speak English in public

1 2 3

You had few or no problems at all when revising the lessons at home.

1 2 3

You were able to contribute with your opinions in the blog.

1 2 3

You had few or no problems when sending emails to the teacher with the responses to the exercises.

1 2 3

You prefer the new role of the teacher and have more input in your own learning.

1 2 3


You enjoyed working with computers.

1 2 3

You enjoyed dramatizing everyday situations.

1 2 3

You liked this lesson better than the traditional one.

1 2 3